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Weekly Top 25 Surfers

Information for Surfing between 18 March and 24 March.

ID - Handle # /Sites Surfed Credits Earned Bonus given
121 - globalcontac 53724 67178.504 33.6
24355 - hexitraffic 48057 60092.275 30.0
7107 - trexlist 43290 43290.000 21.6
12791 - (no handle) 40786 51000.344 25.5
6675 - jitesh717 39422 39435.798 19.7
20301 - Partner 35536 35548.438 17.8
3614 - KevinAshton 29569 36961.250 18.5
20733 - rofsurf2 24807 24815.682 12.4
23613 - cryptopr78 21572 26974.438 13.5
3055 - antreprenorul 20771 20771.000 10.4
22501 - king1money 20508 20515.178 10.3
14012 - httpsauettabenessere.blogspot. 19550 19556.843 9.8
22985 - (no handle) 19186 19192.715 9.6
5 - alexleong 14449 14497.000 7.2
17878 - PRC 14275 14275.000 7.1
22948 - Stay With Free 14215 14219.975 7.1
25506 - wonderful 13802 13806.831 6.9
28046 - getpaid 13711 13715.799 6.9
28052 - nonowellyes 12603 12607.411 6.3
1591 - kwik #1491 12498 12502.374 6.3
28006 - kauntuut38 10350 10353.623 5.2
16897 - sandropaio 9898 9898.000 4.9
13765 - tsjenter15 9102 9105.186 4.6
18501 - TerraNova2010 8694 8697.043 4.3
28062 - gylespad05 8315 8317.910 4.2

Total surfing of top 25 members this week : 558690

Total surfing of all members this week : 688978

Passenger bonus: If you are on this list, the system adds 0.05% to surf-earned credits with each statistical newsletter.
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