Yibbida - 1:1 Auto / Manual Surf Ratio - Multiple Traffic Exchange Systems
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Other VS-TrEx sites

There are plenty of traffic systems running VS-TrEx software. See our list to learn more.
10 K Traffic

Donnette Nelson has started a VS-TrEx exchange for auto and manual surfing. There is a running theme there. Donnette is a long-time webmaster, bringing a lot of experience and personality to the system.
Ablaze with Traffic

A former DX Script. Owner James Dias has been upgraded to VS-TrEx 2.0. Not only is he a good looking guy but his site is HOT too. You never know what he is going to do next...... Ablaze is proud to be on VS-TrEx Software.
All American Surf

Patrick Walters, a former marine, has a dual-surf, all-american theme going at his newest VS-TrEx site
Auto Site Traffic

Jeff St Clair believes that if you are in a ‘Service Industry’; then SERVICE is what you should receive. He will go out of his way to ensure that you will get better service than anywhere else on the Net. He has more than a decade of Internet experience and plans to make AutoSiteTraffic one of the most successful exchanges.
AutoSurf Majik

Norm Duffy's first VS-TrEx site
AutoSurf Max

Bob Zimmerman has decided to re-open AutoSurfMax as a VS-TrEx site (he was running ASP). He is offering both regular and manual surf, and has re- opened with almost 2,000 of his original member base! Watch an 'old hand' at traffic exchanging make a great site!
aWolf Surf

Ultimate Hybrid Traffic Exchange for growth, options, speed, with a better Server by Bob Boulris
Immortals Traffic

Jim Reyna has converted a Harland script for his second VS-TrEx script.
Internet Traffic 247

The most powerful combination of surfing and social tools online, ever!

Originally created by Richie Miguel, the Graphic Designer at CreationsByRichie.com, and now under new management: Norm Duffy!
Traffic Dynamite Pro

Patrick Walters, a former Marine and now a businessman with an MBA, has started an auto+manual system with an *explosive* theme.
True-Blue traffic

A hybrid site, started by Nicole in 2005, and re-launched by Patrick Walters in 2010

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